Welcome to our Student Activities Page!

Food Chain Review with Quiver App

Ms. Sepulveda's 1st-grade class engaged in an interactive review of food chains today, led by our DLS, Mrs. MacKinnon, with the Quiver application.

Nixon Superintendent Student Advisory Council

Our unicorns had the honor of welcoming members of the Nixon Superintendent Student Advisory Council as they read to our 2nd and 3rd graders! Thank you for sharing your time and love for literacy with us!

C.L. Milton Elementary GT Showcase

C.L. Milton Elementary Family Reading Night

Princess Pocahontas Court 2025-visits C.L. Milton Elementary

Burger King Family Night

100 days of School

Laredo ISD Instructional Technology 18th Annual Technology Expo Showcase and Code-A-Thon

12 days of Christmas Cheer

3rd Grade GT Fall Showcase

Unicorn Choir performs at the North Central Park Tree Lighting Ceremony

Toys of Tots

LISD Board Member Dr. Gilberto Martinez and Pvt. Christopher Garcia surprised our with some toys during a Toys of Tots event. Thank your for spreading some holiday cheer!

AR TOP Readers have Movie Day with Santa

AR Top Readers at Milton enjoyed a great treat of movies and pizza with Santa

Computer Science Week-Makerspace Monday

National Honor Society Induction

Happy Thanksgiving Luncheon

Our C.L. Milton Administration treated our campus staff to a great luncheon! Teachers and staff spent time together to enjoy a delicious meal right before the district break.

Junior Achievement visit Milton Elementary!

Career Day




AR Challenge Karoke

School Year 2023-2024

Welcome to our Unicorn Student Activities Page

Perfect Attendance Dance @ Unicorn Land

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Snowball Fight @ Unicorn Land

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GT Showcase @ Unicorn Land

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Movies with Santa @ Unicorn Land

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MakerSpaceMonday @ Unicorn Land

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Code-A-Thon @ Unicorn Land

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Junior Achievement @ Unicorn Land

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Career Day @ Unicorn Land

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Read with a Loved one @ Unicorn Land

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Jersey Day @ Unicorn Land

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Sheriff Department @ Unicorn Land

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Read for the Record @ Unicorn Land

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Constable Gomez Presentation @ Unicorn Land

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Super Hero Day @ Unicorn Land

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Western Day @ Unicorn Land

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Library Guest Reader

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Tuesday Crazy Hair/Socks Day @ Unicorn Land

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Monday Wear RED Day @ Unicorn Land

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Meet our PBIS Pizza Party Winners @ Unicorn Land

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PBIS Pizza Party Winners Class

Safe Schools Week Parade @ Unicorn Land

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Safety  Parade

Dedication Ceremony @ Anna Laura Herrera Garza Library

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Wear Orange Day @ Unicorn Land

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